Final Words

VIA's KT400A reference board has managed to keep up with the performance of a mature and high-performing ASUS nForce2 platform that we've used for our tests in virtually all of the tests. There are a few glaring instances in which the nForce2 manages to outperform the KT400A significantly, which could be situations where NVIDIA's prefetch unit (DASP) ends up being better than VIA's solution.

Assuming the performance of retail KT400A motherboards can equal that of VIA's reference board, the KT400A will definitely be a viable competitor to NVIDIA's nForce2. The major attraction to the KT400A is the fact that it is a single channel solution and thus reduces motherboard manufacturing costs.

With the KT400A, VIA could potentially be back in the high-end game, however it will be an uphill battle to remove NVIDIA from the pedestal that nForce2 has placed them upon.

3D Rendering Performance (continued)
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