
Unlike MythTV's virtually endless possibilities for using different codecs to transcode audio/video, MCE is designed only record with an MPEG2-based codec with the extension ".dvr-ms". These MPEG2 streams are created specifically with MCE features in mind, such as time shifting, live pause and simultaneously recording, and playing back audio and video. DVR-MS is really nothing more than MPEG2 wrapped in an encrypted ASF wrapper. DVR-MS has 3 quality settings that we mentioned on the previous page.

These .dvr-ms files can be played back on regular Windows XP machines unless they are copy-protected by the broadcaster, in which case they will only be able to play on the original Media Center PC where it was recorded, and only in Windows Media Player, we might add. There are some utilities that will covert dvr-ms files to MPEG2 DVD compliant files, but that is beyond the scope of our topic and is not supported by Microsoft.

Unfortunately, we have a large issue with the amount of disk space that the MPEG2 codec consumes. A 15-minute clip of video can take as much as 400MB. MythTV does not perform much better when video is downloaded at high quality, but we have the option to transcode, or re-render the MPEG stream into something a little more versatile. For example, we can compress our cartoon captures down to a lower quality MPEG1 codec without sacrificing much quality; or with a XviD plugin, we can transcode our entire library into MPEG4 in the background. Note that we are using the same Sempron 3100+ processor in both machines!

In this analysis, we are taking video capture from analog cable. We are able to capture digital cable from a digital cable feed as well, but it requires the MCE machine to use a special IR module that actually controls the digital cable box. This can be done with MythTV under LIRC as well.

A sample clip from MCE 2004.
Click to enlarge.

A close-up from MCE 2004.

Taking a small 200px square sample from the analog cable feed above, we see a bit of interference. This is more of a problem with our cable feed than MCE or MythTV, but on MythTV, we are able to use a lower quality codec to capture or transcode the signal. Using an MPEG2 stream to capture a low quality signal at 1.2GB per hour seems like a ridiculous waste of space. With MythTV, we are given the option to keep this kind of signal as a 480i MPEG1 stream instead.

MythTV's transcoding option.
Click to enlarge.

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  • KristopherKubicki - Thursday, September 16, 2004 - link

    Id consider it more functional except the feature of on-demand content, which is pretty neat in my opinion.

  • dvinnen - Thursday, September 16, 2004 - link

    MythTV wins because it is free, cheeper to build a machine with, supports more hardware, and almost as functional as the Windows version.
  • mab0270 - Thursday, September 16, 2004 - link

    That's the beauty of MythTV: It's free, so you don't have to "buy it for some future upgrade".

    I'd have to say Myth works pretty well straight out of the box, providing you know how to follow instructions on how to set it up. As mentioned in the article, KnoppMyth makes it pretty easy to get a functional Myth system in about 20 minutes.

    As for wondering whether those future upgrades will happen, it's being actively developed, and its popularity is growing every day. If you want a feaature, and you have any programming experience, you can even look into implementing it yourself!
  • Questar - Thursday, September 16, 2004 - link

    So MythTV wins due to a potential to get better in the future??

    Yeah, I always buy products for some future upgrade that may or may not happen, verses how well they work on the day I spend my money.
  • Price2Rise - Thursday, September 16, 2004 - link

    It would be great to see how a review of MythTV and MediaPortal would look. MediaPortal is open source as well and runs on Windows instead. It is a young project, but it is looking good already ->
  • Price2Rise - Thursday, September 16, 2004 - link

  • mcveigh - Thursday, September 16, 2004 - link

    mce 2005 is coming
    10/12 acording to that thread.

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