Gaming Performance

If memory bandwidth bottlenecks were not limitations on today's video cards, here's the kind of performance these chipsets would be able to contribute to our overall gaming experience:

Under Quake III Arena the nForce isn't quite able to reach the performance of the KT266A, but the performance difference can be dismissed as negligible since it's 1) at 640 x 480 and 2) no greater than 3%.


The gap gets a little wider here in DroneZ but still not large enough to start splitting hairs over.  By this point it's pretty clear where the nForce's performance levels are.

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  • Dr AB - Sunday, May 10, 2020 - link

    Max Payne - Brings a lot of good memories from that era. Running it at 1024x768 at max quality and getting ~30 fps? Really impressive for a iGPU of that time.
    I remembr playing it on Pentium III 500 with ATI Radeon Pro AGP 2X 4MB. Performance was really terrible due to texture swapping .. even at 800x600.

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